Events calendar

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    1. Monday 10 june at 14:00
      HR Workshop: the place of empathy in the workplace

      Take part in this workshop organized by UCO Master 1 Human Resources students. This workshop will focus on the issue ofempathy at work, to discover how this essential skill can...

    2. Thursday 13 june at 18:15
      Cultural visit: Saint Nicolas Abbey

      Join us for a cultural tour and a convivial aperitif, in a little-known, well-preserved spot right in the heart of Angers: the Abbey of Saint Nicolas! Founded in the 11th century,...

    3. Friday 14 june at 09:00
      Conference: Narrative practices

      The UCOachs, an association of graduates of the DU Professional Coaching program, invite you to develop your knowledge of narrative practices through Dina Scherrer's training....

    4. Thursday 03 october at 18:30
      Afterwork Alumni Paris

      Let's get together on Thursday October 3rd from 6.30pm in the center of Paris (exact location to be announced) to share our experiences and projects. All Université catholique de...