Events calendar

Categories : Convivialité
Credit: Julien Knaub
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Lunch meeting in Nantes

We invite you to the upcoming Nantes lunch, which will take place on Friday, December 8, 2023, the day of the celebration of the Catholic University of the West.

We will gather at 12:30 at the reception of the UCO Nantes campus.

Charlotte Legrée, UCO Alumni and communication manager for the UCO Nantes campus, will be your guide for a campus tour. She will (re)introduce you to this campus, inaugurated in 2016, spanning over a 4-hectare area.

After this brief twenty-minute tour, we will convene in a room at UCO Nantes for an informal lunch cocktail, graciously provided. Clément Cousin, lecturer-researcher in private law and the new director of the UCO Nantes campus, will be present for this friendly lunch and will share updates on the campus and the dynamics of university research.

All former students of the Catholic University of the West, regardless of their campus and field of study, are welcome.

The number of seats is limited, so please register promptly!


Friday 8 December 2023
12:30 - 13:30 (GMT +2)
UCO Nantes
31 Rue des Naudières
44400 Rezé

Registration closed
Charlotte LEGRÉE (L3 INFORMATION-COMMUNICATION License, 2019, Humanities)

Charlotte Legrée is a former UCO student with a Bachelor's degree in Information and Communication from the UCO Angers campus (2019). She is currently in charge of campus communications at UCO Nantes. She will be your guide for an exploration of the Nantes campus, and will take you on a tour of this facility, which opened its doors in 2016, and spans a 4-hectare site.

Clément Cousin
Campus Director, UCO Nantes


Clément Cousin is Campus Director at UCO Nantes. He is a lecturer and researcher specializing in the law of obligations and medical law. He is developing research on consent and dispute resolution between co-contractors or patients and doctors, as well as a research project on health data. He is also a member of various committees and occasionally acts as a consultant.


UCO Nantes

31 Rue des Naudières
44400 Rezé

Additional information (parking, underground, etc.)

The BU Enseignement is located on the ground floor of the UCO Faculty of Education building, IFUCOME and IND-E. The Faculty of Education parking lot will be open (access at 15 rue Merlet de Laboulaye).

Friday 8 December 2023
12:30 - 13:30 (GMT +2)
UCO Nantes
31 Rue des Naudières
44400 Rezé

Registration closed
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