Events calendar

Categories : Formation
Credit: Master 1 IRH - UCO
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HR Workshop: the place of empathy in the workplace

Take part in this workshop organized by UCO Master 1 Human Resources students. This workshop will focus on the issue ofempathy at work, to discover how this essential skill can boost individual and collective performance, foster better communication, and create a more positive and productive work environment.

Here is the detailed program:

  • 2pm-2:30pm: Presentation of speakers and data collected.
  • 2:30pm-3:30pm: Corinne FABIEN will share her experience and advice on reconciling the HR function with empathy in the workplace.
  • 3:45pm-5pm: Mathieu LAJANTE on emotional intelligence in customer relations, followed by a Q&A session and discussion.
  • 5pm-6pm: Closing cocktail.

Our two speakers are :

  • Corinne FABIEN is currently a professional coach. She works with managers at times of business transition (growth, mergers, project management, etc.). She also runs various training courses on conflict management, emotional intelligence and co-development.
  • The second speaker is Mathieu LAJANTE. He is a researcher and professor at the Ted Rogers School of Management, Toronto. He specializes in emotional intelligence, and more specifically in customer relations. He also specializes in neuroscience and the study of emotional processes in the management sector.

Alumni working in the human resources sector are welcome.

Attendance can be either face-to-face, on the Angers campus (Bedouelle amphitheater / Jeanneteau building), or remote via Teams.

Monday 10 June 2024
14:00 - 18:00 (GMT +2)
Event organised in person and online
UCO Angers - Amphi Bedoulle | Bâtiment Jeanneteau
6 Rue Merlet de Laboulaye
49000 Angers

UCO Angers - Amphi Bedoulle | Bâtiment Jeanneteau

6 Rue Merlet de Laboulaye
49000 Angers
Monday 10 June 2024
14:00 - 18:00 (GMT +2)
Event organised in person and online
UCO Angers - Amphi Bedoulle | Bâtiment Jeanneteau
6 Rue Merlet de Laboulaye
49000 Angers
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