Events calendar

Categories : Formation
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Webinar: Change management: how to deal with resistance?

This one-hour webinar, titled "Absenteeism: Understanding and Acting to Reduce It," aims to:

  • Analyze absenteeism statistics,
  • Identify the causes,
  • Explore effective managerial and organizational solutions,
  • Adopt a preventive approach.

It is open to all graduates of the Catholic University of the West, especially those working in human resources and management.

Following a 45-minute presentation by researcher Denis Monneuse from the UCO Chair of Human Resources, there will be a 15-minute Q&A session. 


Tuesday 12 November 2024
12:45 (GMT +2)
Registration deadline : 12th November
Online event
  • Free

Denis Monneuse
Researcher at the Human Resources Chair
Université Catholique de l’Ouest

Denis Monneuse is a researcher at the Human Resources Chair of the Université Catholique de l'Ouest (UCO). He teaches sociology, HR and business ethics. He defended his thesis at UQAM, Canada, on gender inequality at work. He is also a graduate of ESSEC, Paris I-Dauphine University and IE Business School (Madrid).

He is the author of several books, including Le silence des cadres : enquête sur un malaise (Vuibert, 2014), which was voted best HR book of the year. Latest book: Errare managerium est: 30 erreurs à éviter pour devenir un meilleur manager (Dunod, 2021).

Tuesday 12 November 2024
12:45 (GMT +2)
Registration deadline : 12th November
Online event
  • Free

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