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Introductory burn-out training

The UCOachs association, which brings together graduates of the DU Professional Coaching program, is pleased to invite you to an introductory course: Understanding burn-out, spotting the signs in a client, protecting and protecting yourself, led by Astrid le Fur.
- When? April 16, 2024, welcome from 8:30 a.m. Training from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

- Where: at UCO Angers (Place André Leroy, 49100 Angers).
- For whom: all beginners and experienced coaches
- Price: 140€ (UCOach members) / 190€ for non-UCOach members. The book "Du burn-out au born-out, les 7 étapes vers la renaissance" (Ed Vuibert, 2022) is included in the course.

2.5 million employees in France claim to be affected by burnout. According to the WHO, burnout is a growing phenomenon, and has become the leading cause of disability in the workplace. Because of its omnipresence in today's professional context, it is a recurrent theme in our coaching sessions, either explicitly (transition coaching following a burn-out), or as a hidden demand (getting better organized, being able to say no, etc.), or as part of a context that has an impact on coaching.
Understanding this syndrome, knowing how to spot it in our clients' requests and contexts, identifying clients at risk of burnout and clarifying the areas where coaching is possible and those where it is not, is therefore essential to being able to coach "safely".
Training objectives :
- Understand burn-out, know how to spot it and differentiate it from other illnesses
- Identify at-risk client profiles and contexts
- Identify the warning signs of burnout in a client.
- Know the 7 stages of burnout and, depending on the stage, the appropriate type of coaching and the areas where it is best to redirect the client towards medical or therapeutic support.
NB: This day does not provide training in burnout coaching. A second part is planned for autumn (2 days) for coaches who want to support burn-out in professional coaching.

Tuesday 16 April 2024
09:00 - 17:00 (GMT +2)
UCO Angers
3 Pl. André Leroy
49000 Angers
Astrid Le Fur

Astrid Le Fur is a certified professional coach, speaker and author of the book "Du burn-out au born-out, les 7 étapes vers la renaissance" (Ed Vuibert, 2022) and the blog Partage Ton Burn Out. Specializing in burnout prevention and support, she gives conferences and training courses, and works with teams and individuals who are burned out at work to identify the sources of ill-being and take concrete action. Her deepest wish: to help people and companies prevent burn-out situations and turn them into opportunities.

Illustration : D.R.


UCO Angers

3 Pl. André Leroy
49000 Angers
Tuesday 16 April 2024
09:00 - 17:00 (GMT +2)
UCO Angers
3 Pl. André Leroy
49000 Angers
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