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Dialogos #4: the challenges of work in a changing world

18 September 2023 Life at UCO

The Université catholique de l'Ouest presents the fourth issue of its magazine, Dialogos, dedicated to science and research, with a central theme: work.

Dialogos brings together UCO teacher-researchers and external experts to discuss all aspects of work, from its etymology to the challenges of employment law, from its role in our lives to its evolution and meaning. Work is thus revealed as a complex, sometimes delicate, but profoundly enriching subject. The discussions have only just begun.

In this issue, you'll find :

  • An interview with Soledad Bravi, author and illustrator, who shares her views on work and her passion for her profession.
  • A comprehensive dossier on changes in the workplace and their impact on our daily lives, covering organizational modes, health, management and values. You'll find the views of Basile Mérand, PhD in public law and lecturer at UCO Nantes, as well as those of Bertrand Ham, PhD in philosophy and lecturer at UCO.
  • An exploration of the quest for happiness in the workplace in the "Entre vues" section, with a joint interview with Paola Duperray, lecturer and researcher in management science at the UCO and a specialist in entrepreneurship, and Maurice Thevenet, professor at the CNAM.
  • A case study on the meaning of work by Laurence Cocandeau-Bellanger, researcher in social and guidance psychology at UCO and Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.
  • A look back at Gaston Lagaffe's delicious laziness in the "Pop Culture" section.

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