
Credit: D.R.
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Pierrick White, bachelor's degree in information and communication (2010), director of the Langres cabinet

03 April 2024 Alumni Portraits

Pierrick White is a UCO alumnus, having graduated from the Vannes campus in 2010 with a degree in information and communication. He is currently cabinet director for the town of Langres. In this interview for UCO Alumni, he shares his experience as an elected official's collaborator, at the daily service of the inhabitants of a local authority.

Could you please introduce yourself? And tell us about your career path?

My name is Pierrick White, and I'm Cabinet Director for the town of Langres, a beautiful town in the Haute-Marne department.

After two years of a Bachelor's degree in information and communication in Nancy, I decided to join the UCO for a L3 in information and communication on the Vannes campus, in order to take the political communication option.

Thanks to this year, I joined the Institut de Management Public et de Gouvernance Territoriale d'Aix en Provence for a Master 1 in "Public Management", followed by a Master 2 in "Political Engineering" at the same IEP.

Today, I'm chief of staff for the town of Langres. It's a fascinating job, where I particularly appreciate the diversity of the tasks and the direct contact with the population.

What are your proudest professional achievements?
In the course of my professional career, I've been lucky enough to be involved in some major projects (business rescue, major investors setting up in the area, major urban renewal projects, structuring facilities), but in the end, what I enjoy most in my job is responding to constituents' requests concerning their daily lives. That's what citizens expect from their elected representatives, and it's one of the things I've been telling the teams I've worked with for nearly 15 years.

What advice would you give to a student wishing to work as an assistant to an elected representative?
My advice would be to be available, motivated and discreet at times, but also to know how to open doors, because daring is the key to getting ahead in life.

Why did you choose to study at UCO in Vannes?

It was a bit of a chance meeting, as life has in store, but I had seen an option for political communication in a human-sized structure. It appealed to me, and I've never looked back!

What is your best memory at UCO?
My first day! I arrived with my bag and my doubts. I was immediately put at ease by a class that had been living together for 2 years!

What message would you like to convey to UCO students?

Build your network very quickly, be inquisitive and enjoy this course in an extraordinary setting!

How would you sum up your Bachelor's degree in Information and Communication at UCO in three words?

Fulfilling - Professional - Human

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