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Share a cross-cultural experience with Japanese students at CIDEF

26 December 2023 Life at UCO

The Centre International d'Etudes Françaises (CIDEF) at the Université Catholique de l'Ouest in Angers is preparing to welcome several groups of Japanese students in February/March 2024, to learn French and discover French culture. We are looking for host families.

As UCO alumni, how would you like to open your home to one of these students for 2, 3 or 4 weeks? It's a unique opportunity to live an enriching intercultural experience.

Accommodation is on a half-board basis, including all breakfasts and dinners, as well as lunches and/or picnics on weekends. Compensation is provided for host families. The only constraint is to be present, i.e. not to leave every weekend during the host period. Students will be self-sufficient for their daily commute, using public transport or walking. Host families will simply accompany them to and from excursions organized on Sundays or Saturdays.

If you live in Angers or its 1st suburbs and are interested in this experience, please contact the UCO Angevin campus housing department on or by e-mail .

Take part in this cross-cultural adventure and forge unique links with Japanese students.

And if you rent accommodation near one of our 9 campuses, please let us know by sending us a message : it's a great help to our students!

Kaori Kurihara (CIDEF, 2012), artist-ceramist

Kaori Kurihara is a successful Japanese ceramist. In this interview, she shares her artistic journey, from her beginnings at art high school in Osaka to her one-off exhibitions across Europe over the last 10 years...

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