
Credit: Etienne Cazaban. D.R.
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Etienne Cazaban, Bachelor of Information and Communication (2014), Associate Director of KaféIN communication

12 February 2024 Alumni Portraits

Entrepreneurship, communications and theology: find out more about Etienne's career through his testimonial for UCO Alumni!

Etienne, can you tell us about your academic career at the Université catholique de l'Ouest?

I obtained my bachelor's degree in information-communication on the Angers campus in 2014, followed by a master's degree in communication at IRCOM.

My three years at UCO were fantastic, formative and fulfilling! The teaching staff and the audiovisual/media center team were very supportive, and gave me keysthatI still use every day. I also tooktheStudent Entrepreneur Certificate, a course that further developed my interest in entrepreneurship.

After completing your Master's degree, you set up yourfirst communications agency. Can you tell us more about this experience?

Indeed, after my Master's degree, I set up my first communications agency, focusing on the voluntary sector. This two-year experience was a crucial learning experience, enabling me to develop my skills and learn important lessons for my subsequent activities, even if the business didn't last.

You've always had an entrepreneurial streak, having taken the Student Entrepreneur Certificate. How has this influenced your career path?

Absolutely, the student entrepreneur certificate was a great experience, paving the way for my future projects. With a small team, our project was to set upanaddictology practice. We won first prize, financed atthetime by the catering company, "La Boucherie".

This student project turnedintoa real business. Alexis Peschard (Master's degree in clinical psychology, 2013), who initiated the project, still runs this consultancy specializing in the prevention of addictive practices in the workplace. G.A.E Conseil is a success story, and he's runningitbrilliantly!

After a variety of experiences, you founded KaféIN Communication with your partner Vincent. What are your responsibilities at KaféIN Communication?

It's hard to be an isolated communicator! The initial exchanges with my partner evolved into fruitful collaborations, culminating in the creation of our company, KafeIN Communication. For me, setting up an agency was an opportunity to express my skills and enrich myself through the eyes and exchanges of a collaborator.

My missions cover 360° communications,serving associations and companieswitha mission. The richness of my training in information and communication at the Université catholique de l'Ouest gives me the global expertise to meet the varied needs of our customers.

Consulting and analysis of organizational communication are skills I particularly enjoy putting at the service of our customers.

With KaféIN Communication, you launched the MOOC platform in Theology, e-théo. How did this initiative take shape?

Après avoir expérimenté une formation théologique, nous avons constaté – avec mon associé \- un manque d'outils adaptés en ligne. Forts de nos compétences et de notre savoir\-faire, nous avons lancé e\-theo, une plateforme de formation théologique en ligne. Nous produisons l'ensemble des contenus, avec des experts de haut\-niveau issus, notamment, de la faculté de Théologie de l'Université catholique de l'Ouest.

What advice would you give to current students looking to enter the communications field?

My only pieceofadvice: get actively involved! Get involved in projects or associations where you can put your new communication skills into practice. Internships and hands-on experience, such as at the Audiovisual and Multimedia Center, have contributed considerably to my professional development.

In conclusion, would you like to share a few words with the students and alumni of the Université catholique de l'Ouest?

I consider myself lucky to find meaning in my work, and I encourage all students and alumni to seek meaning in their professional activities. It's fundamental to success!

To enable UCO alumni to discover the content of e-theo MOOC courses, Etienne is offering a special promo code giving access to a €10 discount on the course of your choice.

Register with code: UCOalumni24

Code valid until 31/03/2024

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