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A fresh start for graduates of the DU Professional Coaching program

17 October 2023 Alumni Network

October 6, 2023 was a memorable day for the UCOachs, the alumni association of the university diploma in Professional Coaching and Coaching Practices.
This event marked the end of a journey initiated by Belkacem Ammiar's conference on February 8.
Béatrice Bastide, head of the DU Coaching Professionnel program, underlined the values of "benevolence, high standards and humility" that guided the workshops.
Participants discovered the new identity of their alumni association, based on fundamental values: creating links, learning and passing on knowledge, mutual aid and solidarity, open-mindedness, curiosity and respect. The association's missions are clear: to enrich our coaching practices, build a supportive community, forge links between the graduating classes and the outside world, and support the development of our coaches.
The day was structured around three fun workshops: "Château IKIGAI" by Frédérique Retail, "l'atelier d'écriture" by Florence Jégou, and "Légo" by Sophie David-Auvray and David Veaux. The discussions continued with a cocktail reception.
This landmark day heralds a new chapter in the realization of the roadmap to 2030.

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