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Emma Babin, HR Bachelor (2023), Recruiter at Ouihelp

06 June 2024 Alumni Portraits

With a degree in psychology (2022) and a bachelor's degree in HR (2023), Emma Babin is now in charge of recruitment at Ouihelp, a company that provides home care for the elderly.

Would you like to introduce yourself?

My name is Emma Babin and I'm currently in charge of recruitment at Ouihelp, a home help service. My path has been a little winding, but I've found my way into this exciting field. After taking a BAC ST2S (Sciences et Technologies de la Santé et du Social), I initially planned to become a physiotherapist. However, the ups and downs of Parcoursup and the advice I received led me to enroll in a psychology degree program at the UCO in Angers.
The first six months were marked by doubt, but the invaluable support of the guidance department enabled me to persevere and discover a real passion for psychology. Once I had obtained my bachelor's degree in psychology in 2022, I moved into human resources following an exciting internship in retailing, leading to the UCO's HR bachelor's degree.

My first work-study experience unfortunately went badly, but I bounced back successfully at Ouihelp, where after a work-study placement I'm now working on a permanent contract.

What are your day-to-day responsibilities at Ouihelp?

My role as Recruitment Manager is to find the homecare workers our service needs. I conduct an active hunt on various job boards, sort the CVs according to Ouihelp's criteria, contact the candidates, carry out a telephone pre-qualification, meet the candidates face-to-face, check their references and hire them if their profile matches.I'm also in charge of building the loyalty of the caregivers by contacting them after their first interventions to ensure their satisfaction and well-being.

What do you enjoy most about your work?

The most stimulating aspect of my job is undoubtedly meeting people on a daily basis. I organize job dating events, meet with associations to present the auxiliaire de vie profession and even take part in exchanges with other companies in the personal services sector to share our experiences and improve our practices.

What do you remember about your HR bachelor's degree that you still use every day?

One of the most valuable aspects of my training has been the presence of professionals in our courses, who have enriched the training of university teachers. Their advice and practical experience were particularly enriching, especially when it came to recruitment. They taught us to assess candidates not only on their skills, but also on their personality and their ability to fit in with our team.

What advice would you give to students considering the HR bachelor's degree?

My first piece of advice would be to listen to yourself and follow your aspirations. My personal experience has taught me not to be discouraged by temporary setbacks. The key to success lies in self-confidence and the ability to seize opportunities as they arise.
What's more, I strongly recommend taking full advantage of work-study or internship experiences, as they enable you to put the knowledge you've acquired into practice and develop essential skills for the world of work. I encourage all students to explore different options and not limit themselves to a single field. The world of work is vast and full of surprises - there's a place for everyone!

Do you have a message for the UCO alumni community?

My atypical background has taught me that life isn't always a straight line. It's important to trust your intuition and not hesitate to change direction if necessary. Curiosity, open-mindedness and perseverance are essential qualities for success in one's studies and professional life.

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