
Credit: ©VincentNageotte
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Kaori Kurihara (CIDEF, 2012), artist-ceramic

10 May 2024 Alumni Portraits

Kaori Kurihara is a successful Japanese ceramic artist. In this interview, she shares her artistic journey, from her beginnings at the art high school in Osaka to her unique exhibitions across Europe over the past 10 years.


Could you introduce yourself and tell us about your academic and professional journey ?


My name is Kaori Kurihara, and I am a ceramic artist from Japan. I started working with ceramics at the age of 15 at the specialized art high school in Osaka. I continued my studies at Seika University in Kyoto, and then I came to France in 2010. After spending two years at the Centre International d'Études Françaises (CIDEF) on the Angers campus to learn French, I pursued a training program in contemporary jewelry in Paris. Thanks to a Young Artistic Creation award I received in 2015, I decided to fully dedicate myself to ceramics and opened my own studio in 2016.


You attended CIDEF from 2010 to 2012. What was your experience as a student at the CIDEF ?

The language barrier was a real challenge, but those were beautiful years that I will always remember. The kind advice of the professors and the stunning French landscapes left a lasting impression on me. My time at CIDEF was essential in helping me adapt to life in France.


What led you to choose ceramics as your artistic expression ?


At Kohnan Art High School, I was captivated by design courses. I quickly wanted to drink from a cup that I had made myself! So, I joined a ceramics club and discovered the joy of creating with my own hands.


Why did you choose plants as the primary theme of your work ?


Nature inspires me greatly. I was particularly fascinated by the peculiar shape of the durian, an Asian fruit with a spiky outer shell. In this fruit, every element seems to repeat itself but never in the same way. These regularities and irregularities make me feel a tremendous vitality. To create a piece, I seek to feel how plants grow and develop.


As a successful Japanese ceramic artist in Europe, with numerous unique exhibitions over the past 10 years, what emotions do you experience ?


Since 2015, I have had the opportunity to exhibit in many places. My work is gradually gaining recognition, and I feel that I have found the foundation to continue my journey.


What advice would you give to current UCO students who aspire to pursue an artistic career?


Make sure your creation reflects your own artistic sensibility. Your work should be a projection of your sense of creation ! 


Do you have a message to convey to the UCO community?


Language is the key. Invest time in learning languages; it will open many doors for you !


To follow Kaori Kurihara's work, you can visit her website, her Facebook page, or Instagram.

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