Credit: Lauren Alexandra | Gallmeister
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Tess Gunty (CIDEF, 2013), an author

21 May 2023 Alumni Portraits

Tess Gunty is an American novelist who won the National Book Award for fiction for her debut novel, “The Rabbit Hutch”. she is an alumna of the Centre international d’études françaises (CIDEF) at the Université catholique de l’Ouest (UCO), where she came as a member of the University of Notre Dame (SUNDEF) and had her French courses at UCO in 2013. As an editor, writer, and research assistant, she creates remarks in her career with a deep concentration in creative writing. Gunty’s novel dives deeper into the contemporary melancholic side of the society, giving her viewers more insights about Catholic mysticism through multiple prisms with such sophistication.

She recently had her visit back to Angers on May 30, 2023 to present her novel on the occasion of the publication of the French version "Ecoutez moi jusqu'à la fin".

The UCO Notable Alumni

50 former students of UCO, with exceptional backgrounds Since 1875, the Université catholique de l’Ouest (UCO) has engaged in forming independent, strong-willed, and free individuals. The UCO Alumni, who proved their abilities in numerous fields. We are delighted to present the li...

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