
This group brings together all UCO alumni from all UCO campuses living in the Paris region.

You're welcome to join us for friendly, professional events!

Upcoming events

  1. Thursday 03 October at 18:30
    Afterwork Alumni Paris

    Let's get together on Thursday October 3rd from 6.30pm in the center of Paris (exact location to be announced) to share our experiences and projects. All Université catholique de...

  1. Tuesday 08 October at 12:45
    Webinar: Change management

    This one-hour webinar, titled "Change Management: How to Address Resistance?" aims to:   Analyze the types of resistance to changeImplement a support strategy for a successful...

  1. Thursday 17 October at 12:45
    Webinar: Continuing education and VAE

    Do you want to develop your skills or explore new professional opportunities? This one-hour webinar, titled "VAE and Continuing Education," aims to:   Present the mechanism of the...

  1. Tuesday 12 November at 12:45
    Webinar: Change management: how to deal with resistance?

    This one-hour webinar, titled "Absenteeism: Understanding and Acting to Reduce It," aims to: Analyze absenteeism statistics, Identify the causes, Explore effective managerial and...

  1. Friday 15 November at 17:30
    UCO Alumni Tribute Ceremony

    Homage Ceremony for Former Students of the Catholic University of the West Date and Time: November 15 from 5:30 PM to 7:15 PM Rediscovery of a Legacy:Through the collaboration of...

  1. Tuesday 17 December at 12:45
    Webinar: Introduction to AI and ChatGPT

    In this one-hour workshop organized by MAPI, you will discover how to use ChatGPT by exploring its functionality and learning the basics for formulating effective queries.   You...

  1. 11 March 2025 at 12:45
    Webinar: Introduction to ChatGPT and AI

    In this one-hour workshop, organized by MAPI, you'll discover how to use ChatGPT by exploring how it works and learning the basics for formulating effective queries. You'll also...

Previous events

  1. Tuesday 10 September at 12:45
    Webinar: Gender equality at work: assessment and outlook

    This one-hour webinar, titled "Gender Equality at Work: Assessment and Prospects," aims to: Understand persistent inequalities, Identify effective action levers to break the glass...

  1. Monday 10 June at 14:00
    HR Workshop: the place of empathy in the workplace

    Take part in this workshop organized by UCO Master 1 Human Resources students. This workshop will focus on the issue ofempathy at work, to discover how this essential skill can...

  1. Tuesday 14 May at 12:45
    Webinar: creating an effective slideshow

    This workshop will be an opportunity to raise awareness of the impact of our everyday digital uses, to question our practices in order to use technologies more responsibly and...

  1. Thursday 04 April at 08:30
    Visit to the National Assembly

    We are pleased to invite you to an exclusive tour of the Assemblée Nationale, reserved for Université catholique de l'Ouest alumni. This institution has witnessed many significant...

  1. Tuesday 19 March at 12:45
    Webinar: How can I integrate sustainable development objectives into my...

    We're delighted to invite you to our next webinar entitled "How can I incorporate sustainability goals into my business?" This online session, hosted by Jonathan Lulé, will offer 1...

  1. Thursday 14 March at 18:30
    Cultural Visit: Synagogue of Paris

    Immerse yourself in the history of the Great Synagogue of Paris during an exclusive event reserved for UCO Alumni. In the presence of Grand Rabbi Moshe Sebagg, UCO-CIDEF Alumni...

  1. Friday 12 January at 12:45
    How to integrate the objectives of sustainable development into my work?

    We are delighted to invite you to our next webinar entitled "How to integrate the objectives of sustainable development into my work?". This online session, moderated by Jonathan...


Display map with group members

44 results
44 results

M2 PATRIMOINE, SPECTACLE VIVANT & ACT. Master, 2016, Humanités  |  M1 PATRIMOINE, SPECTACLE VIVANT & ACT. Maîtrise, 2015, Humanités
LICENCE HISTOIRE Licence, 1996, Humanités, IALH  |  DEUG 2 HISTOIRE DEUG, 1995, Humanités, IALH
L3 HISTOIRE Licence, 2022, Humanités
Université catholique de l'Ouest
Angers, France
Maîtrise, 1981, IPLV
L3 INFO. COMMUNICATION Licence, 2008, Humanités, ISCEA
Collaborateur d'élus, Mairie de Nanterre - Groupe Nanterre Ensemble
Nanterre, France
L3 ARTS PLASTIQUES Licence, 2018, Humanités
Assistante Administrative et Pédagogique, gestion marketing et communication, cheffe de projet, Sophiae
Suresnes, France
EGEE Licence, 2020, Droit, Economie, Gestion, Sciences Politiques

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